الاتحاد العربي للخبراء والاستشاريين التقنيين

The Second Annual Regional Conference for Technical Experts and Consultants

The Second Annual Regional Conference for Technical Experts and Consultants
Under the slogan: "God loves when one of you does a job, let him do it well"

Under the slogan: “God loves when one of you does a job, let him do it well”

Second Session

The Arab Republic of Egypt – Aswan

April 23-24, 2017


The Arab Union for Experts and Consultation Technicians is pleased to announce the holding of the second session of the annual regional conference for technical experts and consultants in the city of Aswan in the Arab Republic of Egypt, during the period from April 23 to 24, 2017.

Success of the First Session:

The first session of the annual regional conference for technical experts and consultants, which was held in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, achieved great success, as it was attended by a large number of experts and consultants from various Arab countries, and many important topics related to project quality and development were discussed.

Importance of the Conference:

The holding of the second session of the conference comes within the framework of the Arab Union for Experts and Consultation Technicians’ keenness to strengthen cooperation between experts and consultants in the Arab world and to exchange expertise and knowledge in the field of project quality and development.

Conference Objectives:

  • To get acquainted with successful global concepts and applications in modern project management.
  • Exchange of expertise and knowledge and the convergence of ideas on how to move from theory to application.
  • Reaching scientific and practical models that can be applied in our contemporary projects.

General Framework of the Conference:

The conference covers many important topics related to project quality and development, including:

  • Professional quality in projects and linking it to decision-making.
  • Effective leadership and stakeholder engagement in projects.