الاتحاد العربي للخبراء والاستشاريين التقنيين

Egypt model

Egypt model

Youth and women in Egypt face great challenges in obtaining suitable job opportunities, which leads to high rates of unemployment and poverty. The “Economic System for Youth Employment and Women Support” project aims to address these challenges by providing comprehensive training, foundational and operational programs for youth and women that enable them to start their own projects and achieve self-sufficiency.

Project goals :

  • Providing job opportunities for youth and women: The project aims to train and qualify 1,000 young men and women in entrepreneurship and project management skills. Enabling them to start their own projects within a period of 3 years.
  • Support for entrepreneurs: The project provides trainees with financing services, technical and administrative support. To help them establish and develop their projects.
  • Promoting local economic development: The project contributes to stimulating local economic activity and creating new job opportunities, which leads to improving the standard of living in local communities.