الاتحاد العربي للخبراء والاستشاريين التقنيين

Corporate Memberships

Partner Company Membership

  • Benefits:
    • Get opportunities for cooperation and partnerships with other members in the field of technology.
    • Opportunity to participate in union events and activities and promote the company and its services.
  • Membership Criteria:
    • The company has extensive experience and tangible successes in the field of technology.
    • Willingness to contribute to the activities and events organized by the union.

Supporting Company Membership

  • Benefits:
    • Get opportunities to promote the company and its services through the union’s platforms and events.
    • Opportunity to participate in discussions and knowledge exchange with other union members.
  • Membership Criteria:
    • The company provides specialized services or technical products related to the union’s field of work.
    • Willingness to participate in cooperation and knowledge exchange programs with other members.

Sponsoring Company Membership

  • Benefits:
    • Prominent appearance as a sponsor of union events and initiatives on its website and social media.
    • Opportunity to introduce the company, its programs, and initiatives to a wide audience of experts and technology enthusiasts.
  • Membership Criteria:
    • The company provides financial

Membership of the company participating in projects


  • Obtaining opportunities to participate in the Union’s technical projects and initiatives.
  • The opportunity to cooperate with members of the Union and contribute to the development of innovative technical solutions.

Joining criteria:

  • The company provides concrete experience and skills in the technology areas defined by the Union.
  • Willingness to cooperate and participate effectively in Union projects to achieve the specified goals.
Application for membership in the Arab Union for Experts and Consultation Technicians (UTEC)