الاتحاد العربي للخبراء والاستشاريين التقنيين

مؤتمر الخبراء والاستشاريين التقنيين الإقليمي السنوي

مؤتمر الخبراء والاستشاريين التقنيين الإقليمي السنوي

Fourth session – Beirut, Lebanon

April 25 – 26, 2019


Welcome to the annual Regional Technical Experts and Consultants Conference in Beirut, Lebanon. This conference is considered a unique occasion for communication and exchange between leaders and those interested in business quality and modern marketing in various projects. The fourth edition of this conference is an opportunity to explore the latest technologies and practices in the world of modern and international marketing.

Conference objectives:

  • Identify the challenges facing modern marketing in the Arab world.
  • Exchanging experiences and knowledge to enhance the quality of business and modern marketing.
  • Presenting practical and scientific models applicable to modern marketing.

General framework of the conference:

The conference will provide a platform for communication between governmental and private decision-makers, academics and technicians in the fields of modern marketing. The conference includes discussion sessions and specialized workshops to review the latest tools and applications in the world of marketing.

The main axes:

  • Modern and international marketing: methods and tools.
  • Quality professional training in marketing.
  • The importance of marketing for the human resource.
  • Successful models in modern and international marketing.


The events include honoring and a large press conference, in addition to the annual meeting of the Arab Union of Technical Experts and Consultants and specialized workshops in modern marketing.


If you would like to submit a working paper, please make sure to submit it before March 25, 2019. You can contact the Scientific Committee for more information.